Wow, it’s April already and if you have not thought about summer camps we’d like to recommend rowing camp for our Raider Rowers. Here are just a few of what is available. Check out the Links page for a listing of other clubs that also offer camps.

One of the best sources for rowing camp ideas is the row2k web site. The address to look over their list is:

There are some local camps we have experience with. Sandy Run has both sculling and sweeping camps. Keep checking the VASRA web site for camp updates and watch for signs around the Sandy Run facility. They have not posted yet but expect they will do so soon,

Thompson’s Boat House–

— has an excellent summer program that several of our varsity rowers have done. I’m told it is rigorous. (2900 Virginia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20007).

Princeton rowing camps, which come highly recommended,

The University of Virginia has an excellent rowing camp and their information is on the row2k web site above.