Happy Fall! I hope everyone had a great summer. We’ve got lots of things going on — AND NEED YOUR HELP — to get ready for our 57th year of ROWING!
First, we have a new Justice Rowing Boosters Board
- Matt Hardy, Vice President
- Maricela Juarez, Secretary
- John Blackadar, Treasurer
- Registrar for this year (non-Board) is Aubrey Hess
Thank you all for stepping up to help out with this great program!
Second, we have several opportunities right around the corner where we need your help as we begin our recruitment and fundraising efforts this year:
1. October 8 — Lake Barcroft Open House, 3:00–6:00 PM. We need a couple of volunteers to help coordinate/this annual recruiting event. This will be an all-hands event at the Lake as we showcase our Team/sport and recruit new members. If you can fill this coordinator role please let me know asap.
2. October 8 (yes, the same day) — Lake Barcroft Watershed Improvement District (LBWID) Open House, 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM: The LBWID has invited Justice Rowing to grill lunch and help serve food to approximately 250 Lake residents in exchange for a team donation. LBWID will be purchasing all of the food and have a grill onsite and all we need to do is to show up and cook and serve and help clean up. We need a couple of volunteers to help lead this effort (we’ll need more help from rowers and others but need to get a coordinator in place first to work out logistics). If you can fill a coordinator role please let me know asap.
3. Month of October — Wreaths, Poinsettias, and Coffee Fundraiser — our biggest fundraiser of the year kicks off in October, and Christine Sobol has volunteered to lead the effort (Hurrah!), but she WILL NEED YOUR HELP! Please email if you can help out with this important annual team event.
4. We had 17 new students sign up and express interest in joining the crew team this year at the Wolfpack Welcome event held at the beginning of school. We’ll have another table set out tomorrow night (Thursday) at Back to School night in the gym so please stop by and talk up crew if you’re there.
5. Tuesday, Oct. 4, 5-9 pm, CHIPOTLE fundraiser, 6299 Seven Corners Cntr., Falls Church. Order online or in-store and pick up (not for delivery) — USE CODE XYTZYZ6 on the Chipotle app or website when ordering. Flyers below. Please share it to your neighborhood email lists!
Finally, the Boosters are in need of a bookkeeper to help liaise with our Treasurer to ensure that we’re all square with respect to our bank accounts, budget, etc. If you have experience doing something like this and would like to help out, please let me know.
Thanks again and looking forward to another great year of Justice Rowing!
Row Strong,
David Trissell
Justice Rowing Boosters