JEB Stuart Crew Open House, Noon to 3:00 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29 (Get “On the Water”)

Prospective rowers will have the opportunity to get in a boat and row on Lake Barcroft. The open house will take place at Beach 4 at the point where Beachway Drive meets Duff Drive.

No experience is required. New rowers will join experienced rowers to get a sense of what it’s like on the water. Any current Stuart student is welcome. Just wear comfortable, loose-fitting or “stretchy” clothing, such as shorts (or leggings) and a T-shirt. Any footwear is fine, but bring socks and a towel. Please pass this e-mail on to others interested or come together with other Stuart students.

All we need from new rowers is a waiver completed and signed by a parent or guardian. Please click on the link below to access the waiver. If possible, please print it out and have a parent or guardian complete and sign the waiver, and then bring it to the open house. We will have copies of the waiver available at the open house (but it’s better if you can have it done in advance). New rowers cannot get on the water without a completed waiver.

Crew Interest Meeting, 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 2 at Stuart High School Library.

New rowers and their parents will also have time to talk with experienced rowers (and their parents) to learn more about Stuart’s crew program at a crew interest meeting, 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd at the Stuart High School Library.