Stuart Crew Boosters are preparing for the upcoming season and will meet next on Thursday Nov.7th  in room C-33 at 7:30pm.  Final details for the Wreath, Poinsettia, Coffee fundraiser will be shared along with plans for winter conditioning that will start 21 November (please get those physicals and concussion training finished)!
We will have Spring registration packets and are asking folks to get their first payment and registration form in by 15 November.  Anyone requesting a fee reduction/scholarship must meet this deadline as there are outside funds that will not be available after 1 December. 
All forms are available on both  and the raidersports crew page that can be opened with the following link:   J.E.B. Stuart High School, Falls Church, VA
Prospective parents are encouraged to attend so we can answer any questions you might still have.  Please feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone who may be interested.

Hope to see as many of you as possible!
Chris Hegemann
Crew Booster President