Coach Nate and I made the decision to change our boat move to Sunday, February 23 due to the weather (cold), ice on the lake, and Bob Finley’s dock and boat being iced in. All of the times on the Sign Up Genius will remain the same for Sunday. In other words, rowers should plan to be at Sandy Run at 8:30 A.M. to begin the loading of boats and equipment. Parents who can help at the Beach 4 parking lot should be there around 10:30/11:00 A.M. to erect the fence.
REQUEST: If someone has a trailer hitch with a 2″ receiver and flat four-wire connection and can tow our utility trailer from the high school to Beach 4 sometime on Saturday, please let me know.
Sorry about the change .. we cannot change the wind, but we can adjust our sails. Semper Gumby!
I will send out a more detailed email tomorrow with a summary of what we will be doing.
Row Strong