Conditioning Continues.  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 4:30 – 6pm in the Dance Studio.  Come as often as you can!

Chipotle’s fundraiser.  Monday February 10:  Anytime between 4:30 – 7:30 pm.  Join family, neighbors and friends for dinner at Chipotle’s mentioning Crew (or showing attached flyer) and they will provide the team 50% of funds  spent.  Please distribute the flyer to others and let folks know to plan on an evening of good food!

Ice-Breaker at Public House No 7.  Thursday February 13: 6:15pm until 9:30.  Rowers, Parents, Coaches, Alum and Family are invited to spend some time relaxing (come right after conditioning!), grabbing dinner or snacks, getting to know each other, and listening to the bluegrass music of our own River Rat Matt Slocum.  Invite friends and neighbors to visit that evening as well.  Public House is donating a percentage of the night’s take to Stuart Crew.  The band will play from about 7:30-9ish.  Find out what a River Rat does for the team and see the newest decoration on display at the Pub — a Stuart Sculling Oar!  Public House #7 is near 7 corners at 6315 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church.
Crew General Membership Meeting and Season Kick Off.  Monday February 17: 7:30pm.  All rowers and parents are encouraged to attend a short informational meeting to kick off the season.  Confirm all forms are signed, turn in last fee payments (we won’t charge late fees if you pay fees at this meeting), learn about the seasons plans and much more.  This is also the absolute last chance for someone new to join — so if you know anyone still on the fence, let them know it’s time!  Location will be announced shortly.