I want to thank all the coaches who took extra time from work this Spring Break to have longer practice time!  You are all terrific!  Thank you also to all those who drove during spring break. You saved the team hundreds of dollars!

As school begins again, I wanted to inform and remind you of the many events coming up:

Thursday April 24: (NEW!)   Fundraiser at Bailey’s Crossroads Qdobas! Flyer you need to bring is linked.  Go after practice.

Friday April 25:  Pasta Dinner, Jackson’s home, 3602 S 14th Street, Alexandria,  7pm

Saturday April 26:  Al Urquia Regatta —  last regular season regatta at Sandy Run before States!  

Sunday April 27:  Earth Day at Lake Barcroft; Set up 11am; Full team needed to serve and ERG  1:30-5:30pm.  Watch for more details!

Friday May 2:  (NEW!)   Fundraiser at Bailey’s Crossroads Qdobas! Flyer will be sent later…get something to bring on the bus to Matthews!

Saturday May 3:  Matthews Regatta, Matthews VA.  Bus leaving 3am returning 9pm! Info and Permission slips will be sent shortly.