While rowers were out beating the pavement working the wreath, poinsettia, and coffee fundraising effort, parents have been active behind the scenes to support the crew team. Parents switched through many hats to fulfill driving, organizing, data entry, and hosting needs this fall. Meanwhile, the Occoquan was abuzz with clean up activities as parent volunteers fulfilled Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association (VASRA) off-season responsibilities with equally dedicated parents from other schools. Kudos to all!

There are many parts to play, and everyone must play a part, to keep the crew team afloat. All parents are expected to help at the regattas, fulfilling at least one job per season. Get a jump on the job descriptions before the General Interest Meeting, October 28 at JEB Stuart High School.

For details on VASRA roles, see the PDF of job descriptions posted under the Regatta Volunteer Positions tab.

To see the many ways to get involved, click on the Boosters tab.