Word is winter conditioning is off to a good start. Looking ahead to the next few weeks, here’s what in store for the Crew crew:

1. Deadline for this month’s gift card orders: This Sunday, 6 pm, to slalom@cox.net. This is a great opportunity to pick up gift cards to cover your winter shopping, stocking stuffers, angel trees and other gifts. Remember, you pay face value, but the crew team gets to keep, on average, four percent. A great way to help fund crew.

2. Next Friday, Dec. 4, during winter conditioning, rowers will help unload and sort wreaths, poinsettias and coffee. All rowers needed!

3. The next day, Saturday, Dec. 5, rowers will make wreaths, poinsettias and coffee deliveries. Again all rowers needed. No need to sign up, but don’t miss it! Parents, we do need you to sign up, so we know we have plenty of drivers. We need all parents who can help to do so. Here’s the link at SignUp Genius.

4. Weds., Dec. 9, 7:30 pm, Crew Booster Meeting. At the school, room to be announced.

5. Tues., Dec. 15, 5:30 to 8:30 pm, Chipotle fundraiser. Buy dinner at Chipotle, tell them you’re with JEB Stuart Crew and 50 percent of the money you spend comes back to crew. Better yet, buy some Chipotle gift cards from Chip this weekend and we get another 10 percent. With a crew-purchased gift card, for every $10 you spend at Chipotle on Dec. 15, the team will get $6!

Refer to Stuart Crew Calendar for more.