The first regatta is finally here! Tomorrow night we will have our annual pasta dinner and the next day the kids get to compete — some for the first time, others after training for months.

The season never comes without surprises. Just ask the novice parent about last year when they showed up for a regatta only to find out that their child’s event was scratched because of wind. Or when the Polar Bear Regatta was cancelled because of all the ice last year. Ah, the thrill of crew!

We’ve had other surprises already this year — we did not expect to have a bus (unknown to us which bus) back into our trailer at Sandy Run and broke off the bow of the Mayflower that we hoped to sell. Nor did we anticipate seven oars that needed to have shafts replaced or repaired, including the oar shaft that we did not expect to break. I can add more significant unexpected cost, but I think you get the idea.  These things cost money. Even though we have a maintenance fund, we reached REALLY deep into the kitty this year for the new 8+ (and it is a beauty!)

We can make up some of those expenses through (OK, here it comes —you knew it was inevitable) GIFT CARDS! Of course, the team will also take donations, but buying gift cards for what you intend to buy anyway really helps the team a lot.

I’ll be placing orders this Sunday night. Please email me your orders no later than 6:00pm Sunday. To see the participating merchants, please go to Standing monthly orders need not respond.

Thanks, and I hope we have a great rowing season!

Chip Shand