With many gone for the Music Department trip we were only able to field three entries on Saturday—a girls’ novice 4+, a girls’ quad, and a boys’ junior 8.

The girls in the novice 4 + (Giselle (cox), Tucker, Brooke, Vivian, Valeska) had their first strokes in a 4 on Thursday, with Giselle coxing for the very first time. With only one trip down the race course on Friday they still elected  to compete on Saturday—they earned third place ribbons by defeating both the Lake Braddock and Rock Ridge entries. Nice work, ladies.

The girls’ quad (India, Hannah, Caroline, Stephanie) rowed against very tough entries from Albemarle and Western Albemarle, as well as local rival Hylton. This lineup had two days together and included a rower who normally coxes. Our boat finished third with a respectable time, defeating the Hylton girls

On the boys’ side, we rowed an 8 in the junior category (Parker (cox), Rami, Charles, Blas, Hussein, Justin, Corey, Sam H., Markus) using a mix of novice and experienced rowers. This boat was just edged out of the final in their heat by Wakefield. An overall solid row for a lineup established on Thursday.

[Click to see the photo slideshow uploaded to the JEB Crew Team Phanfare account.]

Looking forward, this weekend we’ll attend the Walter Mess Regatta at Sandy Run which will be a large event like this past weekend.

We should have most of the team  available for this regatta; however, I have heard from some rowers who will be out because of the ACT. If you will not be able to row this Saturday, please let me know by tomorrow … the coaches will decide on lineups Tuesday, with online entries required to VASRA by Wednesday.

Tomorrow’s forecast includes PM rain … pack a change of clothes.

Coach Mike