On the Al Urquia Regatta … great effort by all boats (names below). The 1X, men’s 2X, women’s 4X all survived morning heats to make the finals … the 1X and 4X both earning third place ribbons in the finals. The LW2x faced some stiff competition from Western Albemarle and Albemarle, but beat Bishop Ireton to finish 4th in the final. The women’s 4+ finished 4th in their final defeating both Gloucester and Stone Bridge. The men’s quad was in a close race for second right in front of the grandstand when they caught a crab … but they still managed a 4th place finish beating Western Albemarle and Albemarle boats in the final. The men’s junior 4+ fought hard, but ended up 6th in their final. We were able to work the novice seat swap to get both novice 8s on the course … the boys delivered a great performance to earn third place ribbons, besting both South County and Langley. The novice girls were also looking strong in their race until they caught a crab with 500 m to go … they fought to catch up, but there wasn’t enough distance left on the course—next week, ladies. Thanks again to Renzo and Giselle for performing double duty and coxswains and rowers.

The coaching focus this week will start shifting towards perspective VASRA championship lineups.  On the men’s side we expect to enter a 1X, 2X, LW 4X, and a Junior 4+; on the women’s side a LW 2X, 4X, and junior 4+. Lineups for those boats will be finalized this week. We will also continue to train in the 8s for the balance of the team making the Mathews trip.

Coach Mike

Lineups, Al Urquia Regatta

Men … 2X (Chris/Steven), 1X (Peter), LW 4X (Vince/Sam F/Noah/Markus) , Junior 4+ (Parker (cox)/Blas/Justin/Sam H//Torin), Novice 8 (Giselle (cox) Charles/Rami/Hussein/Warner/Julian/Corey/Liam/Renzo)

Women … 4X (Erin/Pasha/Stephanie/Emma), LW 2X (Alize/Parker); Junior 4+ ( Caroline (cox)/Mackenzie/India/Hannah/Allie), Novice 8 (Renzo (cox) Tucker/Isabelle/Brooke/Valeska/Vivian/Giselle/Leilani/Jenna)

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