Mathews first … The coaches are building entries tonight/tomorrow for Mathews. So far I’ve heard from 3 rowers who will not make it; at this point I’m assuming all the novices can make it, so if that’s not the case, please tell Coach Mike by TUESDAY, May 3. For us to enter a novice 8, all 8 rowers from the girls’ and/or boys’ boat must be there.

More will come out from the boosters on the Saturday bus time, food, etc. This week we will derig and load the trailer on Thursday, so the trailer can get to the regatta site during daylight hours on Friday. Please read the attached note from the Mathews organizers.

The coaching focus this week will start shifting towards perspective VASRA championship lineups. On the men’s side we expect to enter a 1X, 2X, LW 4X, and a Junior 4+; on the women’s side a LW 2X, 4X, and junior 4+. Lineups for those boats will be finalized this week. We will also continue to train in the 8s for the balance of the team making the Mathews trip.

Coach Mike

May 7 2016 29th Mathews Regatta spectators bulletin

Crew Menu 2016 5-7-16


[Scenes from last year’s Mathews May Regatta. Click for slideshow.]
