Great team effort for the Mathews Regatta … I also appreciate the hard work of the coaching staff and the parents who helped make this a successful competition for us. A special thanks to Chip Shand for driving the newly painted trailer (and to Jerry Mullane for recently painting and refitting the trailer).

We left the East River with a number of ribbons …

on the girls’ side—junior 8+ 1st, junior 4+ 2nd, novice 8+ 2nd, quad 3rd, double 2nd

on the boys’ side—quad 2nd, 1 V 4+ 3rd, double 3rd as well as 3rd in the coxswain race.

Good job all …

This weekend is the VASRA Championship also known as “States.” On the boys’ side we’ve entered a 1X, 2X, 4X, and Junior 4+. On the girls’ side we’ve entered a LW 2X, 4X, and junior 4+. The lineups for these boats are:

– 1X – Peter

– 2X – Steve/Chris

– 4X – Vince/Sam F/Noah/Markus (this is a lightweight boat, but will have to compete in the open weight category)

– Junior 4+ – Parker (cox) … Coaches Al/Sergio will decide among Sam H/Justin/Charles/Hussein/Warner

– LW 2X – Marissa/Parker

– 4X – Erin/Pasha/Stephanie/Emma

– Junior 4+ – Caroline (cox)/Mackenzie/India/Hannah/Isabelle (Alts Tucker & Brooke)

The following weekend is the Stotesbury Regatta in Philadelphia. The travel team includes the rowers listed above plus Alize as an alternate coxswain. The men’s entries mirror those above with one of the junior 4 rowers serving as a traveling alternate. On the women’s side … Parker is unavailable due to a test, so we’ll enter a senior double with Marissa and Isabelle. Tucker or Brooke will compete in the junior 4 with one serving as a traveling alternate. The team will travel to Philly on Thursday (~11 am) so as to get on the water for a trip down the course in the afternoon. Time trials will start Friday morning. More details on the regatta can be found at Stotesbury Cup Regatta website.

For the rowers above, I expect you to be at practice tomorrow. For the rest of the team, attending practice is optional at this point—you can come out in the launch, help with equipment prep, or workout … but it’s unlikely you’ll row this week. However, what I would like to do before we close out the season is to do some sculling work using the new 8 (we have sculling riggers for it). It’s more likely that we’ll do this in the week between Stotes and Nationals … I’ll put more out on that later. I’d really encourage novices who intend to return next year to take advantage of the training when we do it.

Let me know if there are questions.

Coach Mike