Although some of you may already know this, I wanted to sum up our weekend for you all — mostly so that you can all share in the immense pride and sense of accomplishment that I am feeling today. I am sending this to our current crew members, but also some active alums — once a member of JEB Stuart crew, always so, I believe. I woke up this morning after a long drive back from Ohio yesterday still basking in the glow of our experience at Nationals.

Nationals in Dillon Lake, OH. We took three boats to Nationals this year. That, in and of itself, an accomplishment for a small program.

  • Girls 4X (Erin, Pasha, Stephanie, Emma, Marissa (alternate). They placed 3rd receiving their medals among cheers, tears, and much emotion from teammates, parents and coaches. They worked incredibly hard, gelled as a team and left it all out on the water. Couldn’t be prouder (Must admit I was one of the criers).
  • Boys Lightweight 4X (Vince, Sam, Markus, Noah). They placed 6th in a field of very strong competition. Exceeded expectations.
  • Girls 4+ (Mackenzie, India, Hannah, Isabelle and Caroline (cox), Tucker (alternate)) This is a boat largely of sophomores, one junior, and one novice. They rowed very well. We are looking for great things from this group in the next couple of years.

This trip, plus the weekend prior at Stotesbury with 4 out of 7 boats making it out of time trials … so much to be happy about.

Doing well and winning is fun … but what I couldn’t be prouder of is the way the rowers worked hard and supported their teammates. They comported themselves in a way to make themselves, their parents, and the program proud. Thanks to all the many parents (and alumni helpers) who pitched in and drove and schlepped gear and worked on boats and took pictures and cooked and shopped, kept the kids hydrated and free of sunburn (mostly). This would not happen without your dedication and affection.

Finally, our coaches. We stand in awe of what they have been able to accomplish with our kids. Every year as I learn more about rowing, I am more impressed with our coaching staff. I write this as some of them are at the Occoquan right now overseeing the derigging the boats from Nationals. It is non-stop for 5 months — Coach Mike, Coach Al, Coach Shannon, Coach Rob, and Coach Sergio — we are appreciative of your dedication, talent, and affection for our kids. My heart is full.

That is all for now. Check out our great website over the next week or so for some great photos of the whole season. [Click for a look back on the year.]

Linda Manning
JEB Stuart Crew Booster President

Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.