Adding to Crew Booster President Linda Manning’s kind words in a previous post

Our season culminated Saturday afternoon on Dillon Lake, OH. I’m very proud of the team’s performance this season, both on and off the water. I’m also grateful for the great support from the parents and the hard work of my fellow coaches.

All three boats we took to Nationals represented Stuart and Virginia very well.

For the Women’s Junior 4+ … someone will have to check the record books for the last time JEB Stuart had a sweep boat make it to Nationals. These ladies came together late in the season and were impressive at States, exceeding my expectations. The competition in the 4 category was very tough, the fastest Virginia boat, West Potomac, was 6th in the final. Rowers: Mackenzie Wiley, India Verardi, Hannah Labor, Isabelle Schrock, Caroline Reze (cox), Tucker Rawlings-Kintzing (alternate)

Our Men’s Lightweight Quad has been racing open weight men all season, so this was their first chance to race in a lightweight race. Qualifying in their semi and making the grand final was a significant accomplishment for them. All of them will be back, and I’m counting on them to make it to Nationals next year. Rowers: Vince Gioseffi, Sam Ferrell, Noah Taylor, Markus Ferrell (bow cox)

The Women’s Quad … there have only been a couple of times in my years with Stuart where I’ve found it hard to talk after a race, but this was one of them. After a solid Friday semi, the girls’ path to place in the top three in the Saturday grand final had to go through Albemarle … a boat that’s beat us all season and was a finalist at Stotesbury Cup. And they did it, earning the bronze and a place in Stuart rowing history. Rowers: Erin Dubas, Pasha McGuigan, Stephanie Shand, Emma Wiley (bow cox)

I applaud the hard work of all these crews.

Head Coach Mike David


Click here for a slideshow of JEB Stuart Crew Team at the National Championships.

Watch clips from US Rowing YouTube Channel below.

WJr4+ — semifinal clip

MLW4x — semifinal clip

W4x — semifinal clip