More than halfway through week 3 of the team’s fitness challenge! It’s not too late to start; some meters entered are better than no meters at all. Coaches are getting weekly updates of the rowers who have and who have not been participating.

If you need to know more about how you can participate in the team’s challenge, go to the article, Summer Fitness Challenge Starts Today, June 20th

There are still 5 ergs that need to be picked up. If you asked for an erg and have not picked it up from Mr. Finley, please contact him and schedule a pickup time/date.

Don’t forget to submit your benchmark 2k times to your captains as well by the end of this week. Don’t be scared because it’s a 2k, it’s only a benchmark. The coaches would like to see if progress was made fitnesswise over the summer. Make a solid effort on the 2k this week, and then again the week before school starts.

See how the people who are already doing the challenge are doing by clicking on this link. See who the top of the competition is at week 2, and see if you can beat them. Be competitive


Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.