In three weeks boats will be ready to go out on Lake Barcroft, and our rowers are excited to get on the water. It will be cold out there; winter gear is going to be in high demand (as well as tons of snacks to refuel). You can shop and support Stuart Crew by ordering gift cards through the Scrip Program. Below are a small sample of participating stores (and their fundraising percentages):

Giant or Safeway or Shoppers (4%)

Athleta (20%)

Dick’s Sporting Goods (8%)

Starbucks (7%)

Gift card orders will be placed this Monday evening (January 30), so please email orders by 6:00pm Monday. It REALLY helps the kids and the crew program. Go to to see all of the participating merchants.

Standing orders need no response.

Thank you for your support of JEB Stuart Crew.

JEB Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.