Good job today … boats were prepared/launched on time and you all competed well. Congrats to our men’s junior 4+ (Caroline, Julian, Jimmy, Brandon, Liam) on their third place finish in the final, besting Langley and Rock Ridge. Coach Sergio will have your ribbons on Monday. 

My thanks to the coaches and parents who supported the regatta today. Also, thanks to the team members who weren’t rowing today, yet came out to support their teammates … almost the entire team was on-site.

Looking forward … the Regional Park Regatta next weekend will be about twice as large as what you saw today. Barring unexpected absences we should be able to field two men’s quads, two women’s quads, a men’s junior 4+ and a women’s junior 8. Our novice women will have their first chance to compete.

For regatta planning purposes next weekend the times will be an hour earlier … coaches meet at 7:00 am, coxswains at 7:30 am, and the first race at 9:00 am. 

Please remember to send me your projected absences for the rest of the season if you haven’t done so already. 

See you Monday …
Coach Mike

Scenes from the Polar Bear Regatta

JEB Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.