Another regatta is in the books … this time with better weather. Thanks to the rowers, coaches, and parents for all the efforts yesterday. 

Men’s Team Results — Both varsity men’s quads survived first-round heats to finish 4th and 5th in the final. Strong row by our lightweight guys (MLW4x), closing within 0.7 seconds of our 1st quad (M4x). The men’s junior 4 (MJr4+) was 5th in the final, edging W.T. Woodson.

Women’s Team Results — The varsity women’s quad (W4x), earned a 2nd place ribbon, competing against three Western Albermarle boats, as well as Albermarle and Forest Park. The double (W2x) finished 4th in the final, and the junior/novice 8 (WJr8+) was 5th in a tough heat. 

Looking forward …

The Ted Phoenix Regatta at Sandy Run is on deck for next weekend … and the Music Department trip is also this week. 

Beyond the Ted Phoenix Regatta, we’ll compete in the Al Urquia Regatta on the Occoquan on Saturday, April 29th. On May 6th, we’ll travel to Mathews, VA to compete in the Mathews Regatta. This will be the last regatta for those rowers not selected to compete in the VASRA Championship (States). All rowers are expected to attend the Mathews May Regatta … bus transportation will be provided. 

See you at the boathouse …
Coach Mike

[Link to the slideshow recap is on our photo site — soon to be relocating. Stay tuned.]

J.E.B. Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.