Following several unpleasant incidents regarding parking and the verbal abuse of volunteers in recent weeks, the VASRA Regatta Director sent out a reminder about abiding by the rules of VASRA.

Please maintain your decorum and continue to represent Stuart with integrity and sportsmanlike behavior. Please help others conduct themselves in the spirit of good sportsmanship that we have grown to expect in the rowing community.

The penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct are outlined below.


All participating teams will be bound by the sportsmanship rules of the high school athletic league governing athletic competition at their school andall team members, students and adults affiliated with any school are expected to conduct themselves in a spirit of good sportsmanship. Acts which transgress the rules of sportsmanlike conduct as outlined inUSRowing Rules of Rowingor the high school league rules governing

VASRA schools or schools competing in VASRA events will be subject to the penalties listed below. TheUSRowing Rules of Rowing defines “unsportsmanlike conduct” (Article 1-202(y) as follows:It “shall include, but not be limited to, failure to heed the instructions of race officials, use of obscene language or gestures, delaying a race without just cause, intentional or flagrant disregard of principles of safety and fairness, or abusive behavior toward any official, team member, or spectator.” This includes all regatta staff and park personnel. Unsportsmanlike acts occurring on the water or under the purview of a licensed USRowing official will be dealt with pursuant toUSRowing Rules of Rowing 2-602.Transgressions occurring on land will be reported by a witness to the regatta director, who will investigate the act and assess the appropriate penalty. 

Vehicles parked illegally or in unauthorized areas will be towed at the owners expense.

Dorothy Lazor
Regatta Director
Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association