Stotesbury Cup Regatta Recap

Special thanks to Parents Mike and Lynette Gates for driving our cargo trailer with the tents, grill, and supplies; to Coach Chip Shand for trailering all our boats safely up and back to Philly; and to Crew Booster President Linda Manning for all the logistical effort to feed, house, and transport the team—having hot food on-site has been great. 

To the rowers … you represented Stuart well. As would be expected at the Stotesbury Cup Regatta, the competition was tough—all our boats gave it their best effort. As rowers, you work to improve your skills and fitness, then you go out on the water and test yourself against others. For those who got to compete this past weekend, you can see that the level of preparation to place well in this kind of event is very high. I’ll emphasize what I’ve said before … fitness is foundational to this sport. As we shift to the off-season, please make fitness activity part of your daily routine—preparation for our next season really starts now

Of our 7 boats below, 2 made it to the semifinals (girls’ junior 4X, boys’ senior 4X).

Women’s Junior Double — Brooke Carmody, Tucker Rawlings-Kintzing

Men’s Junior Four — Parker Leonard, Julian Cruz, Robert Sidney, Kurt Finkenstaedt, Brandon Tran

Women’s Junior Four — Giselle Moya, Noorah Aldaghlas, Vivian Tran, Margaret Turner, Julienne Chollette

Women’s Junior Quad — Isabelle Schrock, Mackenzie Wiley, India Verardi, Pasha McGuigan

Men’s Senior Double -— Christopher Witkowski, Warner Gates

Men’s Senior Quad -— Markus Ferrell, Noah Taylor, Sam Ferrell, Vincent Gioseffi

Men’s Senior Single -— Steven Mullane

Our boys’ senior quad entry was our lightweight men’s quad (Vince/Sam/Noah/Markus). As with States, they found themselves up against some rather large open-weight competitors. Undeterred, they turned in the 10th fastest time in the field and earned their way to the Saturday semifinal. They placed 5th in their semi … and are eagerly awaiting the chance to row against other lightweights next weekend. 

In seasons past we’ve done well to make it to the semifinals; however, this year we had a boat, the girls’ junior quad, make it to the final. The junior quad was entered because the seniors in the senior 2X and senior 4X had IB exams. The girls had two days last week to adjust to the new lineup, with Isabelle embracing the opportunity to bow (steer and cox) the boat.  These girls exceeded my  expectations (but perhaps not theirs’) by making the final … and then they won the Bronze. Not sure when the last time Stuart had a boat medal at Stotesbury … not in recent memory. To the question asked on the medal dock yesterday … yes, Pasha, India, Mackenzie, and Isabelle I am very proud of you.   

Looking Ahead — SRAA National Regatta

This week the four boats competing at the SRAA National Regatta will continue preparing for competition on the Cooper River in NJ. For those not competing, please wish your teammates well. 

Women’s Sr 2x— Hannah Labor, Mackenzie Wiley

Women’s 4x— Pasha McGuigan, India Verardi. Isabelle Schrock, Erin Dubas

Men’s 4x — Markus Ferrell, Noah Taylor, Sam Ferrell, Vincent Gioseffi

Men’s 1x— Steve Mullane

Hard to believe the season will be over by next weekend.
Coach Mike

J.E.B. Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.