A few things coming up on our calendar in December:

1. Poinsettia and Wreath Delivery, this Saturday, Dec. 2. Rowers will help unload wreaths and poinsettias during Friday evening conditioning, and we need all hands — and driver parents — to get the orders to their final destinations within the Stuart community. Come one, come all…the more folks that report for duty, the faster we can get through the many deliveries. Big cars and minivans are super helpful; if your car is small, we’ll set you up with smaller routes. Meet in the dance studio at 9 AM Saturday.

2. Crew Booster Meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 5, 7:30 PM. Our monthly meeting, held at Stuart (in a room to be determined). All welcome!

3. Chipotle FundraiserWednesday, Dec. 13, 4 to 8 PM. Grab your dinner at the Seven Corners Chipotle, tell them you are there to support Stuart Crew and HALF of what you spend comes back to the team. Want to stretch your dollar even farther? When Sonja Schrock puts out this month’s call for scrip/gift cards, order enough $10 Chipotle cards to cover your bill, and we’ll earn another 10 percent, meaning as much as 60 cents of every dollar you spend that night could come back to Stuart Crew. Don’t forget to encourage your friends and neighbors to join us.

4. And, of course, winter conditioningMondayTuesdayThursday and Friday in the dance studio. No team conditioning during winter break (but athletes should keep up fitness activities on their own or in small groups). Follow the winter conditioning plan. Quiet study time is available immediately after school until conditioning starts; see Coach Rob in Room D69.

See you ALL Saturday, Dec. 2 for door-to-door delivery.

P.S. Stay up on all things Stuart Crew at our website, jebstuartcrew.org, and via twitter at twitter.com/stuartHScrew!

Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.