Dear Crew Boosters and Coaches,

The 15th Annual Prince William Rowing Club (PWRC) High School ERG Sprints is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 3 February 2018.  See Coach Mike for PWRC High School ERG Sprints Rules and Guidelines for all the details. This year’s event will be similar to prior years, with a few notable exceptions.

New venue! Golds Gym has graciously hosted this event since its inception in 2003, and we greatly appreciate their partnership and support. However, with the growth of the junior rowing programs across our region and the popularity of PWRC High School ERG Sprints (HSES), we now need a larger venue. Our plan is to offer local high school rowing programs the opportunity to take turns hosting the PWRC HSES.  This year’s event will be hosted by Woodbridge High School and will be held in their lower cafeteria. Subsequent HSES events will be rotated annually among PWCA’s member schools, allowing each one to participate in hosting. We look forward to this new tradition!

New start time! Same-day registration opens at 9:00 AM with the first race starting at 10:00 AM.  We expect the competition to be completed by 2:00 PM. 

New registration fee – for a good cause! For the first time in our history, PWRC will be charging a $5.00/competitor registration fee. [The Stuart Crew Boosters will cover the $5 registration fee per rower for eligible participants representing Stuart Crew.] The proceeds from this modest registration fee will go to Prince William Crew Association’s (PWCA) Dock Restoration Fund. Of course, any donations above the registration fee will also be given to PWCA.  See Coach Mike for registration form and waiver.

New event! We are hoping to add one more event to the schedule – 3 Minute Crash (Double Slide) for Men and Women. We are still working though the logistics, so stay tuned.

[There’s no reason not to sign up, and every reason to participate.] 

What hasn’t changed this year?

Once again, we have worked out an arrangement with Concept2 to offer High School ERG Sprints participants an opportunity to purchase an event ERG after the competition at a great price. Brand new C2 Model D ERGs with a PM5 monitor will be supplied to PWRC before the event, so they will have been used only one day, by HSES competitors, before purchase. We will only have 14 ERGs, so orders will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis (see Coach Mike for ordering instructions).

We are looking forward to your participation in this awesome event.

Please let me know if you have any questions — ask your questions through Stuart Crew Head Coach Mike David.

Al Wilson
Prince William Rowing Club