Team Expectations

  • Be a Good Teammate
    • Exhibit sportsmanship both on and off the water.
    • Treat all opponents, coaches, officials and teammates with respect
    • Realize that team goals come before the needs and desires of the individual
    • Participate fully in all aspects of the program, including fundraising, practices, races
    • Support the team by accepting coaching decisions
  • Be Prepared to Row
    • Attend all practices
    • Manage your time as a “Student – Athlete”
    • Take care of yourself (eat healthy foods/sleep well)
    • Set personal fitness goals — in-season and out-of-season
    • Work to improve technically (listen to the coaches)
  • Be an Ambassador for the Sport in the school
  • Have fun — Enjoy being a member of a competitive rowing team

What to bring

Practice Days

  • Snug-fitting pants/shorts/spandex (like biking shorts)
  • Sweat-wicking shirts (not cotton)
  • Weather appropriate layers/gloves OK on land
  • Emergency medications such as inhaler/epi-pen (extra for Coach to carry on launch helpful)
  • Refillable water bottle marked with your name
  • Sunscreen
  • Hat/sunglasses
  • Extra clothes/socks (pack a full change of clothes)
  • Healthy post-practice snack

Racing Days

  • 2-piece Spandex racing uniform — and the long sleeve top
  • Weather appropriate layers (uniform rule can be waived)
  • Emergency medications such as inhaler/epi-pen (extra for Coach to carry helpful)
  • Refillable water bottle marked with your name
  • Sunscreen
  • Hat/sunglasses
  • Extra clothes/socks (pack a full change of clothes)
  • Boosters provide snacks (food available at concession to purchase)


Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.