Thanks for the great team effort to move our equipment back to Sandy Run yesterday. It was a lot of work between trailer loading/unloading, shell de-rigging/rigging, coaches’ launch setup, and novice orientation. Ms Gioseffi posted a number of photos of you in action at our Stuart Crew photo gallery.

The Week Ahead

We start the Sandy Run phase of our season tomorrow. The bus will be at the school at 3:15 pm and will leave the parking lot no later than 3:30 pm.

Rowers every day, be sure to:

  • inform the captains/coaches if you plan to miss practice.
  • wear layers and bring dry clothes in case you get wet. Tomorrow’s forecast is “cold.”
  • ensure you bring enough water. The drinking water at Sandy Run is not on yet.
  • bring a snack. You will be hungry after your row and can eat a snack on the bus ride back to the school.
  • be ready to go to Sandy Run every scheduled training day.

The coaches review the Lorton forecast in the morning and will typically make a decision by 1 pm. If we decide to cancel the trip to Sandy Run, we’ll move to a dance studio/weight room practice.


Finally, take advantage of the various communication avenues we offer … we have a great website at and you can follow us on Twitter @stuartHScrew. We’ll often use Twitter to get word out quickly. Rowers, please make sure you have the captains’ contact info so you can reach them when needed. Have cell phone numbers for your coach as well as Coach Mike and Coach Rob on your phone.

See you tomorrow.

Coach Mike

Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for More Than 50 Years.