Hello Stuart Crew Supporters:

The season is well underway. It’s a good time to take stock on what rowers need for the remaining couple of months of racing and training. If you buy the snacks, work out clothes, and post-racing meals with a grocery/gift card through Stuart Crew Scrip Program, the team gets a percentage back from the vendor as a donation.

Below are some examples of participating retailers and their percentages:

Giant  4%

Dick’s Sporting Goods  8% 

Subway  6%

TGI Fridays  9% 

Sonja will place the order on Tuesday, April 10, 2018. Email your order by 9:00 p.m. or ask a question about how to get started. Read all about our scrip program here.

Standing order need not reply.
Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for More Than 50 Years.