We loaded the trailer Thursday and are ready to head to Mathews. The current Mathews forecast appears to be wet, so ensure you pack the appropriate clothing and something to change into at the end.

I don’t yet have the regatta schedule from Mathews, but we’ve requested 20 entries with the goal of getting rowers two different races. The coaches have the spreadsheet we used to build our input to the regatta director and can give you a sense tomorrow for the events we’ve entered … a caution though—this could change based on what Mathews is able to accommodate in the individual events; we may not get everything we’ve asked for.  We will have a scheduling board at the regatta site that will reflect race-day entries.

Our great website has all the regatta info posted … please review this before Saturday.

Switching to next week …

On Monday, the full team will come on the bus to wash and rig shells. Beyond Monday, only rowers and designated alternates competing in the VASRA Championship (VSRC) will practice. The coaches will discuss VSRC plans for their respective groups before Monday. Our VSRC entries will include four men’s boats (LW 4+, 4X, J4+, and 1X) and four women’s boats (4X, J4X, LW2X, 1X).

The week after next …

This will be Stotesbury Cup week (May 17-19). Only those participating in Stotesbury and alternates (and potential SRAA boats) will practice this week. Our Stotesbury entries will include four men’s boats (LW 4+, 2X, J4+, and 1X) and four women’s boats (2X, J4X, LW2X, 1X). Lineups in these boats will be similar to those competed at VSRC. We will take alternates as part of the travel team … the full team does not travel.

The final week (May 21-24) … At this point we intend to invite the full team back to participate in optional sculling training. This training is targeted at members who plan to return next season and want to learn how to scull or improve their sculling skills. This week we also hope to be sending some of our boats off to compete in the SRAA National Championship Regatta.

See you at the boathouse.
Coach Mike