Our regular season came to a close yesterday on the banks of the East River in Mathews. It ended up being a great day all around … weather, teamwork, and results. My thanks to the parents and coaches who supported the long-distance deployment.

Congrats to all our rowers on a successful competition. We had a number of top 3 finishes among the 15 participating teams

First place men’s lightweight 4+ (Caroline, Markus, Jimmy, Brandon, Noah)

First place women’s varsity 4+ (Caroline, Pasha, Mackenzie, Julienne, Isabelle)

First place women’s varsity quad (Pasha, Mackenzie, Julienne, and Isabelle)

Second place men’s lightweight double (Long, Kurt)

Second place women’s lightweight double (Vivian, Margaret)

Second place men’s quad (Charles, Kurt, Warner, Julian)

Third place men’s quad (Markus, Jimmy, Brandon, Noah)

Third place men’s varsity 4+ (Heidy, Steven, Charles, Warner, Julian).   

Checkout Ms Gioseffi’s photo capture of the action yesterday at Mathews May 2018 Regatta slideshow. 


The current VSRC lineups and alternates are: On Monday the full team will come on the bus to wash and rig shells. Beyond Monday, only rowers and designated alternates competing in the VASRA Championship (VSRC) will practice. Selection for these boats included a coaches’ assessment of skill as well as fitness (erg score and power-to-weight).


– LW 4+ (Caroline, Markus, Jimmy, Brandon, Noah)

– 4X (Charles, Kurt, Warner, Julian)

– 1X (Steven)

– JR 4+ (Lleymi, Drake, Elisha, Lincoln, Liam F)

Alternate:  Liam D


– 4X (Pasha, Mackenzie, Julienne, Isabelle)

– LW 2X (Vivian, Margaret)

– 1X (Brooke)

– JR 4X (Destinae, Layton, Soliana, Noorah)

Alternate: Natalie

The plans for the two weeks after VRSC are posted on the website.

For those planning to return to the team in 2019, a reminder that the coaches will conduct sculling training starting May 21st.


I’d also encourage team members seeking to improve their competitiveness for next year’s team to consider participating in camps this summer. There are a number of good programs locally. Two of the largest that have been attended by our rowers include:

Resilient Rowing

TBC Racing

More at our Camps and Clinics tab.

See you at the boathouse.
Coach Mike

Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for More Than 50 Years.