Heads Up On Our June Events (Mark Your Calendars). More information about all these events after States … .
  • Thursday, May 31st — Varsity Awards Banquet at J.E.B. Stuart High School. Watch for an announcement from Athletic Department for start time. Evening, all spring sports, all welcome.
  • Sunday, June 3rd — End-of-Season Picnic/Awards Event at Broyhill Crest Pool. Starts at 4:00. Rowers and families welcome to enjoy one last meal together, swim in the pool, and celebrate achievements of the team this season.
  • Saturday, June 23rd — Fundraiser/Carwash. Setup 11:30am, car wash 12:00 to 4:00, then clean-up. All rowers expected to attend and wash cars. Parents welcome!
  • Saturday, June 30th — Alumni Event (there will be a morning row for alumni and parents who are interested and and afternoon picnic at Lake Barcroft. Look for ways you can get involved. More to come.

Stuart Crew. Rowing Hard for More Than 50 Years.