What are Crew Boosters?

The Justice Rowing program includes two distinct but closely related groups—the Crew, which includes the rowers, coxswains, and coaches; and the Crew Boosters, which includes parents, friends, and supporters of Crew. The Crew Boosters is the parents’ organization and is the governing board for the program. Practices and competitions are the responsibility of the Head Coach.

The Crew program is conducted through the Justice High School Rowing Boosters Club, Inc., (Crew Boosters), a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. The Boosters‘ purpose is to encourage, maintain, and further the participation of parents, teachers, and adults in the community in active support of scholastic rowing at Justice High School. The Crew Boosters promote, assist, and support all rowing activities at Justice High School by providing vision, oversight, financial support, and volunteer coordination. All parents, and/or guardians of registered rowers are automatically members of the Justice Rowing H.S. Boosters. The Justice Rowing H.S. Boosters Club is managed by a Board of Directors, elected for one-year terms, composed of no fewer than four voting Board members, chosen from members of the Club in good standing.

Justice Rowing Booster Positions 2024–2025 Season

The tasks listed below are critical for the continuity of the crew program. Without parental help crew is ALWAYS at risk of disappearing completely from Justice High School. Sign up for group tasks to share some of the load!

Rowers row; Coaches coach; and Parents keep us afloat.


The Booster Board of Directors is responsible for discussing, drafting, and finalizing all policy relating to the Justice Rowing program. Each position is held for one year, and no more than two, provided that the Boosters vote on the individuals nominated.

Position  Current Member
President  Matt Hardy
Vice-President  Stephanie Friel
Treasurer  John Blackadar
Secretary  Adriana Nino
Registrar—non-Board Member position  Kelly Hardy
Bookkeeper—non-Board member position  Tatiana Richey


2024–2025 Sign up to fulfill Justice Rowing needs for the season

Regatta Volunteer Positions descriptions to fulfill VASRA commitments. Sign-Up HERE!

Spring Break Car Pool Sign-Up — we need drivers to get our rowers to practice. Forthcoming


LOC Rep Local organizing committee (LOC). Performs team-assigned VASRA job.  OPEN
VASRA Rep Attends monthly VASRA meetings, ensures team meets all rules and financial requirements  David Trissell
VASRA Volunteer Coordinator Manages Justice volunteer assignments by attending VASRA assignment meetings and coordinating the weekly Justice Rowing volunteers.  Karen Swider
Registrar Records registration information, ensures all forms and payments are received; maintains team roster  Kelly Hardy
Bookkeeper Update Quickbook records; prepare and file tax return as a 501(c)(3) organization (usually May 15); prepare and fill out 1099s for coaches (Jan, 31 deadline); with Board input, prepare budget and update throughout the season  Tatiana Richey
Recruiting Lead Lead efforts to recruit new rowers both at high school level and at local middle schools, after school erg club, Learn-to-Row Summer Camp, JHS Fall Activities Fair (4-6 events per year)  Tatiana Richey
Regatta Coordinator(s) Plans, arranges, and provides hotel reservations and related travel coordination for 1) Mathews May Regatta (or similar travel event) for the full team and for post-season away regattas 2) Stotesbury Cup Regatta, and 3) Nationals  1) Matty Hardy
2) David Trissell
Regatta Food Coordinator Review food needs and ensure delivery for weekly food table at home regattas. Create, update, and maintain the Sign Up Genius
Equipment Team Manages and maintains boats, trailers, ERGs, motors, and other equipment.  1) Karen Lyons
2) Matt Hardy
3) Bob Finley
Shell Transport Hauls trailer loaded with crew shells to/from Sandy Run to various locations including Lake Barcroft for 3-week spring practice, late summer Open House, Mathews May Regatta (or any other travel event), Stotesbury Cup (Philadelphia), and Cooper River, New Jersey for Nationals. Must be a seasoned driver experienced with heavy loads.  1) Coach Nate Carmody
2) Matt Hardy
Trailer Transport In addition to shell transport driver. Hauls crew trailer loaded with equipment (sometimes ergs) to/from Sandy Run, Beach 4, Justice High School, and additional locations as needed.  1) Matt Hardy
Launch Drivers Approved launch drivers for crew practice and at VASRA regattas at Sandy Run  1) David Trissell
2) Jenna White
3) Matt Hardy
School Display Case Coordinator Places a request for a display case at Justice High School & creates a compelling display to recruit rowers and promote Justice Rowing activities 2 times a year.  1) open
2) ____________
Photographer (2) Attends crew regattas and events to take photos and posts them to the crew photo website at justicerowing.smugmug.com and for use in promoting the program and events.  Heidi Gioseffi
Sarit Schneider
Glen Schneider
WebSites and Communications Manager Maintains the crew website, justicerowing.org, by updating registration materials, editing web pages with fresh content, managing the merchandise products, and adding news articles. Coordinates with social media manager.  1) Heidi Gioseffi
2) Stephanie Friel
Social Media Manager Creates content and manages the team’s Twitter/X and Booster Facebook accounts  Heidi Gioseffi
Stephanie Friel
Pasta Dinner Coordinator Coordinates season kick-off Pasta Dinner and acts as primary liaison for in-season Friday night team dinners (7 or 8 Fridays), and year-end awards dinner. See Sign Up Genius for support roles; all attendees contribute to the season kick-off and year-end celebration meals. The coordinator gets the activities in motion and ensures team meals are managed through delegation and follow-up.  Christina Kish —
Season Kick-Off Pasta Dinner
Uniform and
Boat Jacket Coordinator
Collects and maintains an inventory of uniforms at season end; collects sizes of rowers upon registration in January; orders uniforms as needed; distributes uniforms by the first March regatta (Polar Bear). Maintain relationship with the uniform vendor (Sew Sporty); also coordinates the ordering of rowing jackets (not provided by the team; boat jackets are an individual purchase).  1) Anja Blackadar
 2) John Blackadar
Towel Washer/s In-season. Routinely wash/dry towels to keep them mildew-free and stocked in our boathouse. Parent can team with their ower to bring home/launder towels on Tuesday, return clean on Wednesday; bring home/launder towels after Friday practice (or Saturday regatta), and return on Monday. March – June.  1) OPEN


Position Description Current Member
Wreaths, Poinsettia, & Coffee Sales Coordinates this major fundraiser; updates order forms; coordinates rowers and parents in sales and distribution of W&P; handles data entry and manages online ordering component. 1) Aubrey Hess
2) Sarit Schneider
3) Heidi Gioseffi
Gift Card (RaiseRight)/
Coffee Subscription Coordinator:
Year-round fundraiser; Maintains a list of customers, tracks monthly card orders, and distributes cards/coffee. Coordinates with WPC coordinator for annual coffee order in November with bulk delivery first Saturday in Dec. Aubrey Hess
Justice High School Spring Festival Coordinates components for the annual Justice High School event including Justice Rowing space reservation form, a gift card for the winning challenger, Race-A-Rower sign-up sheet, bottled water to sell at the event, monitor cash box. Coordinates with coaches/captains to get 2-4 ergs set up and rowers to participate. 1) ______________
2) ______________
Earth Day Coordinator Plan, shop, assign jobs, and act as primary liaison with Lake Barcroft chair for annual event scheduled. Set up sign-up sheet (via Signup Genius). 1) ______________
2) ______________
Bands on the Beach Coordinates team participation in the annual Lake Barcroft celebration, primarily arranging for dessert to be made and sold as a fundraiser for the team and raising awareness of the rowing program. Set-up Signup Genius. 1) ______________
2) ______________
Car Wash Coordinator(s) Coordinates at least 3-4 events; coordinates dates & rowers/adults to work (begin in April/May; monthly until fall) 1) Melanie Brookes-Weiss
2) David Brookes-Weiss
Letter Writing Campaign Coordinator Drafts annual donation request letters & coordinates mailing by recruiting volunteers to facilitate envelope-stuffing. The process starts in August with mailing in early September. Coordinates with WPC POC for brochure. 1) David Trissell
Restaurant Fundraisers Identifies & works with local eateries to set up fundraisers throughout the year, including exploration of additional venues/partners. 1) Michael Rosen
Spirit Wear  Coordinator Coordinates with captains & Head Coach on the choice of spirit wear within the Justice Rowing brand; maintains contact with vendors regarding pricing, orders, and distribution. 1) Melanie Brookes-Weiss
2) Heidi Gioseffi
Grant and Sponsorship Researcher and Writer

Researches and secures funding from grant-making organizations; writes applications with a keen understanding of Justice Rowing and our rowing-related programs (Learn-to-Row program, middle school after-school program, away regattas), material and financial needs, and budget). Must be a strong writer with exceptional grammar and spelling skills, organized, and deadline-oriented to meet grant deadlines.