Dec 4, 2015 | Activity, Booster, Fundraising
Thanks for the sign ups. See you on Saturday, Dec. 5, to get all the beautiful holiday greenery and Stuart Crew Brew into the homes of our supporters. Thank you to the Stuart Crew neighborhood and families afar in helping to keep our students’ crew team...
Dec 3, 2015 | Activity, Booster, Fundraising
On Friday, Dec. 4, during winter conditioning, rowers will help unload and sort wreaths, poinsettias, and coffee. All rowers needed! On Saturday, Dec. 5, all rowers will make wreath, poinsettia, and coffee deliveries. CALLING ALL DRIVERS! Sign up to help deliver the...
Nov 27, 2015 | Activity, Booster, Fundraising
Word is winter conditioning is off to a good start. Looking ahead to the next few weeks, here’s what in store for the Crew crew: 1. Deadline for this month’s gift card orders: This Sunday, 6 pm, to This is a great opportunity to pick up...
Nov 15, 2015 | Activity, Booster, Fundraising
We had a very successful Wreaths, Poinsettias, and Coffee sale. Thanks to everyone who contributed to that success. But we’re not done yet. We need to get the goods to the buyers and for that we need and expect all rowers to participate on both Friday, Dec. 4, during...
Nov 8, 2015 | Booster, Fundraising
Link your cards — Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card to the JEB Stuart Crew team, and a portion of your purchases is donated back to the team. Our Harris Teeter number is #5829. Thank you for your continued support of JEB Stuart...
Nov 2, 2015 | Activity, Booster, Fundraising
The JEB Stuart Crew Team’s Annual 2015 Fundraiser, which runs each year from October 1st through October 31st, is now complete. Thank you to all that ordered our great products, we appreciate the support! All orders will be delivered by the Crew Team before December 5...