Stuart Crew Can Help With Your Holiday Decor

Stuart Crew Can Help With Your Holiday Decor

The JEB Stuart Crew Team can help to make your holiday decorating easier. If you missed the rowers going door-to-door in the neighborhood, you can still order  wreaths and poinsettias at until October 31. The crew team will deliver your order to...
Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

While rowers were out beating the pavement working the wreath, poinsettia, and coffee fundraising effort, parents have been active behind the scenes to support the crew team. Parents switched through many hats to fulfill driving, organizing, data entry, and hosting...
Order Form for Wreaths, Poinsettias, and Coffee here

Order Form for Wreaths, Poinsettias, and Coffee here

No need to wait for the crew team to hand you a brochure, simply click here for the PDF. Kindly include a check with your order, or go to the online shop and order from the convenience of … anywhere, at any time.   Click here for the 2015_WPC_Brochure_FINAL.PDF order...
Car wash this Sunday, Sept. 20

Car wash this Sunday, Sept. 20

We’ll be in the Stuart neighborhood, near the intersection of Rte. 7 and Patrick Henry. Turn right into parking lot at First Christian Church, 6165 Leesburg Pike. Click on the image to save and share. Spread the word!