Jun 8, 2016 | Activity, Booster
Reminder that this Sunday we have two important items to wrap up a very fun, successful crew season. 10:00 at Sandy Run Boathouse: Rowers, please plan to come and help derig and store the boats for the season. Parents are welcome to help but not necessary. 2:30 End of...
Jun 5, 2016 | Activity, Booster
Coach Al has offered to run a couple more sculling practice sessions this week before we derig the boats. The practices would be Tuesday and Thursday, leaving Stuart at 3:30 and returning approx. 7 pm. If you would like to be part of one or both of these practices,...
May 30, 2016 | Activity, Article, Booster
Now that the season is coming to an end, there are just a few more details to discuss and tasks to complete. Please read carefully … Varsity Awards Banquet, Tuesday night, May 31st. All team members and parents are invited to this all-school event. Starts at...