May 5, 2023 | Activity, Article, Booster
Week Behind: We had our ups and downs at the Al Urquia regatta this past week. Highlights included the following: Men’s Jr Quad (Sam Schneider, Tucker Trissell, David Claudillo, Charlie Hess) finished in 3rd place, closely behind Albemarle and Western Albemarle,...
Apr 25, 2023 | Activity, Article, Booster, Fundraising
Justice Rowing Community: Week Behind We had a terrific showing at the Ryz Obuchowicz Regatta this past weekend. With a total of seven boats entered in four events, we took first in two events and second in the other two events. Opening the day, our men’s Senior...
Apr 17, 2023 | Article, Booster
Hello Justice Rowing Families: This week marks the sixth week of our season and the Ryz Obushowicz Regatta is this Saturday. PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL THOROUGHLY – Important Stotesbury hotel information is provided. WEEK BEHIND Thanks for everyone’s help in...
Apr 6, 2023 | Activity, Article
T-shirts are available for pre-order through Sandra. Provide proof of payment and the shirts will be at the grandstand for pick up. We still have last week’s shirts available. Both shirts will be at the concessions stand this week for sale. The regatta is...