VASRA State Championship Recap and The Week Ahead

VASRA State Championship Recap and The Week Ahead

My thanks for all the hard work preparing, supporting, and competing yesterday. A special shout out to Liam DeVan who was the men’s alternate yesterday and worked very hard all day supporting the launches and recoveries from the boathouse area. We entered eight...
Crew Booster Meeting May 7 at 7:30 PM

Crew Booster Meeting May 7 at 7:30 PM

Join us on Tuesday at 7:30 PM for the Stuart Crew Boosters’ monthly meeting — we’re going virtual! Call in number and agenda are in email on Monday. Agenda: post season regattas, SAVE-the-DATE June 30 event, summer Learn-to-Row, recruiting, fundraising...
Mathews and More. The Weeks Ahead.

Mathews and More. The Weeks Ahead.

We loaded the trailer Thursday and are ready to head to Mathews. The current Mathews forecast appears to be wet, so ensure you pack the appropriate clothing and something to change into at the end. I don’t yet have the regatta schedule from Mathews, but...
Al Urquia Regatta Recap and Mathews Ahead!

Al Urquia Regatta Recap and Mathews Ahead!

Al Urquia brings the local regular season to a close. Great team effort … rowers, coaches, and parents … on a successful competition. For those not tracking Twitter yesterday, the results are summarized below. Congrats again this week to the Men’s...
Mathews May 2018 Regatta Info — Updated!

Mathews May 2018 Regatta Info — Updated!

Saturday, May 5 is the Mathews Regatta, located in Mathews, VA about 150 miles from Stuart. All available team members will compete at Mathews — this will be the last regatta for the full team. Unlike other regattas, rowers may compete in multiple events and often...