Yep, shoes. Check out the attached picture. Parts wear. Parts fail. Parts need to be replaced.

Yes, there is a maintenance budget. But, anticipating failure is a black art. A pair of shoes costs $100+. This shoe came out of an 8+. Fifteen more in the boat – same age. Failure? Eventually. When? Who knows. Soon? Black art. One shoe failed. It seems like more will.

Scrip (gift cards help). Surges in gift cards offset unexpected expenses. We need your help. Please help. Go to See what can be purchased. Email your order by 6:00pm this Sunday. Standing orders need not respond.

This is dedicated to Edward R. Morrow. He was a legendary newscaster. None of his sentences exceeded seven words. He died on this day in 1965.

A lesson in boat maintenance. A lesson in history. A lesson of need.

“Good night and good luck.”