Saturday, May 5 is the Mathews Regatta, located in Mathews, VA about 150 miles from Stuart. All available team members will compete at Mathews — this will be the last regatta for the full team.

Unlike other regattas, rowers may compete in multiple events and often rowers will compete in 2 (sometimes 3 events). There are also fun competitions such as a coxswain race and coaches race. For those of you new to the team, here is how it works…

  • Thursday (at regular practice) — rowers derig and load the trailer.
  • Friday — no practice as boats are on their way to the regatta site. Get homework done.
  • Saturday (3:00 a.m.) — rowers meet at school to load bus to regatta. It is a coach bus, so it is more comfortable for sleeping (bring a pillow, blanket, etc. The bus gets cold.). They arrive early around 6:00 and start unloading and rigging. Regatta runs all day until about 3:00, rain, wind, or shine. All hands load the trailer for departure. Kids get back on the bus for return to Stuart, stopping briefly to share pizza and award ribbons on the way home.

Parents, there are a couple of spots on the bus for those of you who want to leave early and schlep a lot of gear. Let Ms. Manning know if you want to come on the bus. Otherwise, carpooling is highly encouraged to drive down for at least part of the day (more details will be coming next week with directions, timing, etc.)

Very important: All rowers must submit a signed permission slip or they are not allowed to come to Mathews (or any other away regatta). Please provide a completed field trip form to Ms. Mari Mullane as soon as possible. You will not be put in a lineup until your form is in (it takes 2 minutes). Feel free to scan and send to Ms. Mullane or give to Steven / Mari at the regatta on Saturday. The form is available on the website.

This is our last regular season regatta at Occoquan….season always flies…

Click to read posts from most recent Mathews events.

Watch the slideshow from 2017.

Below are links to the advance prep materials Coach Mike sent via email on Sunday, April 22.

April 21 2018 spectators memo — click to download

Mathews Regatta Race Course  — click for online PDF

Details of Williams Wharf Regatta Site — click for online PDF