Reminder: The crew team is holding another fundraiser on Thursday, March 28, from 4 to 9 p.m. at Flippin’ Pizza (6544 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, VA 22312, which is in the Pinecrest Shopping Center). YOU MUST BRING WITH YOU THE ATTACHED FLYER FOR THE TEAM TO EARN 50% OF SALES (IF YOU HAPPEN TO FORGET THE FLYER, MAKE SURE TO MENTION TO THE CASHIER THAT YOU ARE PART OF THE JEB STUART CREW TEAM FUNDRAISER).

This event is another important part of our fundraising effort, so necessary to pay for equipment, equipment repairs, regatta fees, coaches, and scholarships that enable everyone to row. The fees you paid only cover about half of the team’s costs.

So please do your best to buy a Flippin’ Pizza on March 21, either by eating in or picking up your pizza. Their phone number is (703) 752-9912. Also, pass along a copy of the flyer to your friends and neighbors and encourage them to participate. You might also want to pick up a pizza to bring to the dinner on Friday night instead of bringing a pasta dish — food for thought.